Medina City Schools
Principal | August 2001 - July 2003
Medina High School
Medina, Ohio
Medina High School serves 2,500 students from the city of Medina. During my tenure I led a team of eleven administrators, 161 certificated staff members and 65 non-certificated staff members. Our team transitioned students, staff and families during the closing of the old high school facility, and proudly opened the new building.
Leadership and Management
Supervised a comprehensive high school of 2,200 students
Led a team of eleven administrators, 161 certificated staff members, and 
65 non-certificated staff members
Designed and initiated the implementation of the House Concept – a philosophical approach new to Medina designed to personalize education for the students and staff of Medina High School
Participated in contract negotiations as a member of the administrative team – utilized Interest- Based Bargaining in excess of 20 sessions over five months
Selected all new teaching, administrative and support staff personnel including filling 33 positions for certificated staff members in one year
Coordinated activities with other departments including central office, maintenance, custodial, food service, and transportation
Restructured the enforcement of attendance – the attendance rate for Medina High School is 95.9 percent
Supervised the day-to-day operations of the high school, which consists of 13.5 acres of building space
Restructured special education programs that service over 300 students – reorganized five resource rooms and initiated the movement toward inclusion
Participated on the district’s Continuous Improvement Plan Committee – this involved working closely with other grade level buildings to align curriculum
Coordinated building-wide professional development opportunities for staff
Heard all suspension appeals and expulsions for high school students
Worked closely with department heads on curricular and building issues
Developed staff recognition programs
Financial Responsibilities
Developed and maintained a 17.9 million-dollar budget for the total high school program, approximately $300,000 of which were discretionary funds
Coordinated the purchase of 1.2 million dollars of loose equipment, 1.4 million dollars of loose furnishings and three million dollars of technological resources for the new high school
Restructured the budget to accommodate additional programs including the House Concept, the Performing Arts Center and the Recreation Center 

Public Engagement/Community Relations
Worked closely with several school district/community partnerships including:
City of Medina, which manages a recreation center constructed by the school district
Medina County Juvenile Courts, which helps at-risk high school students who are court
University of Akron, which provides Distance Learning classes
Medina General Hospital, which provides funds and personnel to provide therapy and rehabilitation in the school district’s recreation center
Medina City Performing Arts Foundation, which provides funds and services toward managing several theaters including one in the high school
Medina Cable Access Channel, which provides media services and exposure for students in our high school studio
Coordinated and hosted the grand opening of Medina High School, which included keynote speaker Dr. Rod Paige, U. S. Secretary of Education, two congressmen and several other members of Congress
Worked with Medina Partnership Council, comprised of one parent group member from each of the nine schools in Medina City School District to address school related community issues
Developed community volunteer recognition program
Worked with the Medina City Schools Foundation, which provides financial support in the form of grants and scholarships for Medina City Schools
Provided crisis management which included organizing support from local agencies and clergy and dealing with television and newspaper reporters
Met with parents on a monthly basis to discuss school issues
Mailed home a quarterly Principal’s Newsletter
Held regular meetings with our parent-teacher organization
Provided many televised reports at school board meetings
Curricular and Instructional Achievements
Updated curriculum and implemented new courses to meet state standards – this involved the alignment of programs with other grade level buildings
Developed new courses, including five interdisciplinary courses
Adopted textbooks for new and additional courses
Coordinated technology program which included the distribution of Dell laptop computers to every teacher and provided subsequent training to help teachers integrate technology into their daily lessons
Wrote and received two grants: (1) Federal grant of $150,000 for a Career Resource Center, (2) Local grant for $10,600 to be used toward technology improvements.
Construction-related Accomplishments
Our district passed a permanent improvement levy collecting $77,000,000 to construct an elementary school and high school complex
Communicated and coordinated plans with architects and the members of the construction company throughout the construction project – this included aiding in the design of the building and monitoring the progress throughout the project
Coordinated the transition of the physical placement of staff members and student body throughout the building during the construction project
Elementary and middle school experience
Served as a member of Elementary Administrators Rap Session (EARS) for Medina City Schools, providing an opportunity for principals from each building grades K-12 to collaborate professionally
Participated as a member of Management Group Meetings (MGM), an administrative council, that addressed district-wide issues
Served as a member of Middle and Secondary School Committee, which consisted of high school and middle school principals who addressed concerns focusing on grades 6-12
Addressed many elementary school issues as a member of the negotiations team
Participated in the Gift of Time program which allowed me to spend time with at-risk
elementary students to aid in their academic and social growth 

Medina High School | 1999-2001
Created and supervised several on-site, alternative school programs for at-risk students including Daytime alternative school, Night school, and GED
Developed and supervised an alternative school for at-risk students not eligible for special education services
Led a Student Intervention Based Assistance program, which identified and assisted students who were in need of academic or social support
Coordinated summer school program, which consisted of approximately ten teachers and 250 students